Albion Area Lifelong Learners

An institute for adult learning in cooperation with Albion College


Writing for the Hell of it.

Jim Whitehouse, J.D.

Wednesdays, 10-12. February 6, 13, 20, 27. Ludington 1st Floor Collaboration Space, Ludington Center, Superior Street.

To be a great and successful writer requires a ton of work, skill, training, practice, connections and a bit of luck. To be a writer requires a pencil and a sheet of paper. This class is intended to release participants from the notion that only being a great and successful writer “counts,” and to give you some attitudinal tools to write simply for the fun of it. We’ll explore some techniques and habits to get you off the dime and keep you off the dime.
We’ll talk about diaries, journals, letters, texts, emails and books. We’ll look at writer’s block; how to come up with ideas; how to structure a story; hurdles to writing and how to jump them; spelling and grammar; voice; and audience.

We’ll do some writing in class; and there will be homework, but it will be easy. You will have an opportunity to share what you have written– but nobody will be required to share.

If you want to take a serious writing class, don’t take this one. If you want to learn how to write a holiday letter that won’t bore the recipients to death, this is the one. (Just in case you are planning on sending the instructor a holiday letter, please take this class. Please.)