Albion Area Lifelong Learners

An institute for adult learning in cooperation with Albion College

Writing (and a Little Bit of Speaking) For the Fun of It


Jim Whitehouse, B.A. (English, biology from Albion College), JD (University of Toledo), Newspaper columnist and retired lawyer.  Fund raiser for Albion College and the Nature Conservancy.  Tuesdays.  10 a.m.-12 noon.  October 6, 13, 20, 27.

Held as virtual meetings through Zoom; instructions will be provided to participants.  Limited to 20 participants—if you are interested in this class, be sure to read the “Policy for Classes with Limited Enrollment.”

This course will be a relaxed journey into writing and a tiny bit of speaking for fun.  It will be a continuation of “Writing for the Fun of It” presented in February 2019, but attendance at that earlier class is NOT a requirement. We will explore new ideas, techniques, and challenges and have fun along the way.

Many people are anxious about writing and even more nervous about public speaking. Be assured NOBODY will be required to share what you have written, and NOBODY will be required to speak publicly, in class or out.  Since this will be a Zoom class, it will be an experiment for all of us.  The “public speaking” portion will be very minimal.

We will identify and try to knock down barriers to writing and public speaking   Writing assignments will be short, and most will probably be completed during class. A few brief homework assignments may be included.

The instructor is willing to ruthlessly or kindly critique your work. Your choice. 

Have paper and pencils or pens ready at your home or Zoom space.