Albion Area Lifelong Learners

An institute for adult learning in cooperation with Albion College

Stem In the Natural Environment

STEM In the Natural Environment

Jason Raddatz, Director of the Whitehouse Nature Center, Albion College. Mondays. 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. May 4, 11, 18. Whitehouse Nature Center on Albion Campus.

“STEM in the Natural Environment” will explore applied technologies and their applications in the natural world. Applied technologies include, but are not limited to, 3D modeling and printing, remote robot piloting, coding unmanned aerial vehicles, and using GIS/GPS. Lessons will primarily take place at the Whitehouse Nature Center, The Attic, and the Ferguson Hall Computer Lab.

There is a materials fee of $15.00 which will cover equipment use and consumption of plastic.