Albion Area Lifelong Learners

An institute for adult learning in cooperation with Albion College

Religions: Exclusivism, Inclusivism, and Pluralism

Religions: Exclusivism, Inclusivism, and Pluralism

Ron Mourad, Professor of Religious Studies, Albion College.

Thursdays, 10 a.m. — 12 p.m., May 2, 9, 16, 23. In person. Class size unlimited. Location and Room Numbers will be given with course confirmations.

Can more than one religion be true? Can more than one lead to salvation? What if different religions promise different salvations? This class will explore three classic positions on these questions: exclusivism, inclusivism, and pluralism. We will read one book chapter per week to ground our discussions, which will be selected from Mark Heim’s Salvations: Truth and Difference in Religion and Paul Griffiths’s Problems of Religious Diversity.

Course materials will be supplied by the instructor.