Albion Area Lifelong Learners

An institute for adult learning in cooperation with Albion College

Human Rights In Albion: International Standards, Local Practices

Human Rights In Albion: International Standards, Local Practices

Carrie Booth Walling, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science & Faculty Director, Ford Institute, Albion College.

Mondays, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. May 2, 16, 23. In person, Ludington 103. Class size unlimited.

Human rights issues are all around us. If we look closely, we can find them in our neighborhoods, on our college campuses, and even in our own closets. We can advance human rights by placing the well-being and dignity of other human beings at the center of the decisions we make personally and as a community. By understanding human rights, we can help make their enjoyment a reality. This course offers a brief introduction to human rights – their historical and political origins, substantive meaning, and how they are put into practice locally, nationally, and internationally. Participants will be introduced to collaborative human rights work underway on campus and in the community through the newly launched Albion Human Rights Lab. The course will offer tools and strategies for becoming human rights. The last class will consist of a virtual tour of the United Nations with a human rights expert briefing defenders in our own communities.

There is a materials fee of $15 for the Virtual tour of the United Nations.

Books, Equipment, Supplies that participants will need before class starts: I will email reading materials to those enrolled before the course begins along with a schedule. Each participant will also receive a copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.