Albion Area Lifelong Learners

An institute for adult learning in cooperation with Albion College

Adventures On the Internet

Adventures On the Internet

David Kammer, Ph.D., Professor of Physics emeritus, Albion College

Mondays, 10:00 am. – 12:00 pm. October 4, 11, 18, 25. In Person. Class asize unlimited.

The class will discuss the Internet including its history, usage, safety and privacy issues, technology and influence on our society.

Class 1. A practical guide for using the Internet

Search engines, information gathering, mail, social groups, news sources and entertainment. Includes a section on good free stuff!

Class 2. Safety

What is Malware? Phishing? Scams? ID theft? How can one protect oneself? Privacy: what information is gathered as you use the Internet? How is it used? Can you stop its collection and/or erase the information?

Class 3. The technology of the Internet

A general introduction to network technology. How is it possible to access over 2 billion websites all over the world in seconds? Or send/receive messages anywhere in the world to/from over 3 billion people?

Class 4. The Internet’s Influence on Society

We will discuss how the Internet has changed (for better or worse) our culture, news, politics, social life and commerce